

Interior Design and Sacred Geometry

Let’s take a moment to explore the intersection of interior design and mathematics. As an interior designer, I incorporate sacred geometry into my clients' spaces, bringing balance and vibrancy to their interiors. Join me as we delve into the fusion of math and design!

Sacred geometry is the study of geometric patterns and shapes that hold spiritual and symbolic significance. It uncovers the order and harmony found in nature and the universe. Here are my secrets:

  1. The beauty of balance in my design process

    I wholeheartedly embrace sacred geometry's principles. By understanding the significance of shapes and patterns, I create visually appealing spaces that promote harmony. I incorporate these principles into my clients' interiors, bringing tranquility and flow.


  2. Unleashing the power of shapes

    Shapes have a profound impact on our emotions and well-being. By consciously integrating geometric shapes like circles, squares, and triangles, I create spaces that evoke specific moods and energies.


  3. The Golden Ratio

    It’s my secret design weapon—a timeless mathematical concept with a ratio of approximately 1.618. It’s often found in nature and art, symbolizing balance and beauty. For instance, the Parthenon, an ancient Greek temple in Athens, demonstrates the Golden Ratio in its proportions. I use the Golden Ratio to create visually pleasing compositions in my clients' spaces, from furniture arrangement to artwork placement, bringing overall unity.


  4. Infusing rhythm and visual interest

    Patterns and repetition captivate our perception, drawing us into the space. I incorporate mesmerizing patterns like fractals, which are patterns that often look alike when zooming in and out (ex: a tree or a snowflake), into wallpapers, textiles, and flooring, adding visual intrigue to the environment.


  5. Colors and crystals: enhancing energy and atmosphere

    Colors play a crucial role in my design compositions, enhancing the energy and atmosphere of a space. Carefully selecting colors inspired by sacred geometry and reflecting natural elements and patterns, I create color schemes that evoke desired emotions and moods. Additionally, when clients are open to it, I incorporate crystals, leveraging their metaphysical properties to enhance the energetic ambiance. For example, Rose Quartz, known as the stone of love, promotes feelings of self-love, compassion, and harmony in relationships.


  6. Inspiring young minds: playful geometry for children's spaces

    Being a grown child myself, nurturing creativity in children is close to my heart. I take pleasure in building inspiring spaces for the little ones, incorporating playful shapes and interactive elements while still using sacred geometry principles.

If you’re curious about how you can implement sacred geometry in your space, book a complimentary call with me here.

 Written by Carole Vaudable, interior designer.

Interior designer Carole Vaudable with a Pierre Frey rug.

Carole V