

From Your Bed to Your Office in 9 Easy Steps!

We’re all annoyed by the current pandemic situation, sheltering in place, and having our daily lives turned upside down. But if you’re now working from home, consider yourself at an advantage: you can work in pjs. There’s no need to do your hair and make-up. You don’t have to put up with coworkers you don’t like. And best of all, you can organize your own schedule!

But it’s not a matter of looking at the glass half empty or half full — it’s about finding comfort that the glass is refillable! Here’s how to go from bed to home office and actually look forward to getting to work, even if it only takes you a few steps to get there (literally and figuratively):

1- Settle away from your bed

Set up your home office as far away as possible from your bed. Otherwise, procrastination will become your new best friend!

2- Find comfortable seating

Use a comfortable chair with proper height and back support. Arm and foot rests are a plus!

3- Choose soothing colors 

Surround yourself with soothing colors: blues, greens, and neutrals work well. Add touches of orange if you work in an artistic field to spark your creativity.

4- Have sufficient lighting

Make sure you have sufficient lighting so you don’t strain your eyes. Try working close to a window for natural light to boost your mood (plus it saves on power!). Or, opt for lamps if you work in the early morning or evening. 

5- Use a space divider

Use a space divider if you are sharing a space with someone else. This helps to keep them from looking over your shoulder while you work, plus it helps you stay in the zone without interruption. You can buy dividers online, or create your own with plants or furniture.

6- Find good laptop support

You’ll need good support when working from home (and no, we’re not talking about wine!). Get a laptop stand to place on your work surface so that your computer screen is at eye level. This can do wonders for avoiding neck pain!

7- Set up in a calm area 

Choose a quiet spot to work, away from distractions and other people. 

8- Personalize your workspace

Decorate your workspace with items that bring you peace: a nice picture, plants (which will also bring oxygen to your brain) or a painting can do the trick.

9- Stay organized

Keep your working area clean and organized so your energy doesn’t get drained. Chaos creates confusion and frustration, so make sure your workspace is only used for work to avoid over cluttering it.

Above all, remember our current situations are temporary. Make the best of your present status and know that things will get back to normal.

Let us help you invest in yourself! For any inquiries contact us at home@carolevaudable.com

Written by Carole Vaudable, interior designer.

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