

The 3 steps of my interior design projects

Oh boy, giving directions as an interior designer for site construction is like playing charades with a bunch of burly construction workers who speak a different language. It can be a bit of a challenge, to say the least. But fear not, for I have my trusty tools to communicate with: a measuring tape, a color wheel, and a megaphone (because sometimes you just gotta shout to be heard over the hammering and drilling). So there I am, standing in the middle of a dusty site, armed with my tools and a determination to make this space look amazing. I start by measuring and re-measuring everything to make sure it's going according to plan. And let me tell you, those workers better not mess up my measurements, or I'll be coming at them with that measuring tape like a medieval knight using a sword.

Once that's done, it's time for the fun part: interior design! As an interior designer, I love carefully selecting each and every piece of furniture for a room. It's similar to putting together a puzzle, but instead of frustratingly trying to make the pieces fit, you get to create a dazzling masterpiece. So after all the hammering and drilling is finished, it's time to delicately place each piece of furnishing in its designated spot. In the manner of a dance, but in the place of a partner, you have a couch, a table, and sets of chairs. When it's all said and done and you can finally sit back and admire your hard work, it's the same as creating a piece of art. A beautiful, functional, and comfortable work of art. Who knew construction and interior design could be so much fun?

Lastly, the magical moment of styling a place after the furniture is installed is like putting the icing on a cake, but with throw pillows, plants, and decorative objects instead of frosting. As everything finally falls into place, that's when the real magic happens. I step back, take a deep breath, and appreciate my achievement as a proud parent would watch their child take their first steps. It might seem like a small victory, yet when you see a space transform from a blank canvas to a cozy, stylish room, it's a warm hug for the soul.

Written by Carole Vaudable, interior designer.