

Crafting Your Unique Luxury Interior Style

Discovering your unique design style is an exciting adventure, and I'm here to make it a luxurious experience. One of the most frequent questions from my cherished clients is, 'How do I find my design style?' Let's turn this exploration into a journey of luxury and self-expression.

Recall the Essence: Unveiling Inspirations

Begin by revisiting a place that left a lasting impression—an opulent hotel, a cozy restaurant, or a friend's home that felt like a sanctuary. Reflect on the emotions it stirred—vibrancy, coziness, warmth, or a welcoming embrace. These feelings will be the guiding stars in your personalized design odyssey.

Envision Your Best Self: Designing Aspirations

Imagine your ideal self—the version you aspire to become. For a touch of success, visualize a home office adorned with inspiring books and a meticulously organized workspace. If a healthier you is part of the vision, picture a kitchen that's not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and well-organized. Designing a home aligned with your aspirations is the key to manifesting the best version of yourself.

Colors as Your Palette: Elevating Moods

Embrace the power of color. Just as the right outfit can boost your confidence, the colors in your surroundings can elevate your mood. Choose hues that resonate with your personal style and complement your skin tone. Surrounding yourself with colors that make you feel good is a simple yet effective way to infuse positivity into your space.

As you embark on this design journey, remember that your home is a canvas—a reflection of your unique personality and aspirations. Trust your instincts, dare to dream, and let the process be a celebration of your individuality. Together, we'll create a space that not only meets your practical needs but also resonates with the luxurious essence of who you truly are.

 Written by Carole Vaudable, interior designer. 

Office rendering designed by Carole Vaudable Interior Design