

Interior Design: A Journey from Survival to Thriving

In our hectic daily lives, homes often morph into sanctuaries—a retreat for comfort and a sense of belonging. From my perspective as a luxury interior designer, I've grasped the profound impact living spaces wield on our well-being and consciousness. Beyond beauty, interior design charts a transformative course from surviving to thriving.

When our living spaces are reduced to the bare essentials, a mere shelter to protect us from the external elements, we find ourselves in a constant state of survival mode. The minimalist approach might seem practical, but it can inadvertently reflect a mindset rooted in the struggle for existence. The bare necessities may fulfill functional requirements, but they often lack the depth and intentionality that can elevate our consciousness.

Enter the realm of interior design—a craft that goes beyond the surface, creating environments that resonate with the essence of who we are. Engaging a designer to curate and craft your space is an investment in your well-being. It's a declaration to yourself and your nervous system that your place of rest and rejuvenation is not just a physical structure; it is a vital component of your mental and emotional landscape.

Every element carefully chosen, every color thoughtfully applied, and every piece of furniture meticulously placed contributes to the narrative of your home—a story that speaks to your soul. Through this intentional curation, your living space becomes a reflection of your identity, values, and aspirations. It becomes a cocoon where you can unwind, recharge, and connect with the deeper layers of your being.

Moreover, the process of collaborating with an interior designer is a journey of self-discovery. It prompts you to articulate your preferences, express your desires, and confront your own aesthetic. This self-awareness, intertwined with the designer's expertise, transforms a mere living space into a canvas of personal growth.

My role as an interior designer is to lead individuals through this transformative path, assisting them beyond their fundamental needs toward a flourishing consciousness. Collaboratively, we craft environments that serve not only as refuge but also as sources of inspiration, rejuvenation, and elevation. Within interior design, each choice fuels individual growth—an actual step beyond mere survival, blooming into a thriving state of mind.

Written by Carole Vaudable, interior designer. 

Dining room rendering, for 520 West 28th Street, New York, designed by Carole Vaudable